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    Armor protects you from damage by absorbing it. Each body part has an Armor SP rating depending on the armor a target is wearing. SP stands for Stopping Power, and this number is subtracted by the damage taken from a hit. The remaining amount is the damage the target takes. If the damage done is does not exceed the SP value, no damage is taken.

Example: A player takes a 9mm to the right arm. Their armored jacket has an SP value of 4, and the attacker rolled an 8 on the damage dice. The player then takes 4 points of damage, as the other 4 was absorbed by the armor.

Common Armor

    Listed here is a table of common armor as found on pages 66-67 of the core rule book. It is listed here for convenience. These armors broadly refer to either a material, type, or tech for the armor. A heavy leather jacket does have to be leather, and probably should be outerwear, but how it looks is up to the player. You're a punk, so let that imagination flow!

Armor Type Covers SP EV Cost
Cloth, leather√ Arms, torso, possibly legs 0 +0 Varies
Heavy leather Arms, torso, possibly legs 4 +0 50.oo
Kevlar T-Shirt, vest√ Torso 10 +0 90.oo
Steel helmet Head 14 +0 20.oo
Light armor jacket√ Torso, arms 14 +0 150.oo
Med armor jacket√ Torso, arms 18 +1 200.oo
Flack vest Torso 20 +1 200.oo
Flack pants Legs 20 +1 200.oo
Nylon helmet Head 20 +0 100.oo
Heavy armor jacket√ Torso, arms 20 +2 250.oo
Door Gunner's vest Torso 25 +3 250.oo
MetalGear™ Whole body 25 +2 650.oo

Hard & Soft Armor

    Armor can be categorized based on it's material. Metal and composite plastics are considered hard armor. Flexible and fabrics are considered soft armor. This distinction is only made for the purpose of layering armor.

Hard Armor Soft Armor
Metal Gear Heavy Armor Jacket
Police Riot Armor Medium Armor Jacket
Door Gunner's Vest Police Patrol Armor
Steel Helmet M-78 RPA Jacket
Flak Vest/Pants Light Armor Jacket
Ballistic Nylon Helmet Kevlar T-Shirt/Vest
M-78 RPA Heavy Vest M-78 RPA T-Shirt
Corp Mil Body Armor Heavy Leather

(RPA = Militech Revised Personal Armor)

Encumbrance Value

    The encumbrance value (EV) indicated how heavy and bulky it is. It is a cumulative stat, meaning every armor piece with an EV and the EV applied from layering all stack. The EV is subtracted from the REF stat.

Layering Armor

    Generally speaking, layering armor is considered impractical as the added weight slows you down significantly. That being said, you can have up to 3 layers of armor. Each new layer adds an EV penalty, slowing you down. Only a single layer can be hard armor, the other two must be soft armor.

  • 2 Layers add 1 to EV
  • 3 Layers add 2 to EV
  • Subdermal Armor and Bodyplating cyberware do count as a layer
  • Skinweave cyberware do not count as a layer

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