During a time of conflict and persecution it is our duty yo live! To stand up in the face of adversity. To lift up those who fall, and carry the ones who can not stand on their own. They want us to suffer, to roll over and perish. To live is to rebel against the torment nexus. Sing your songs. Write your poems. Spread your love. For we are here, and we shall remain. From the ashes we rise, as we have time after time. From mans first breath we remain.
They will claim you are unnatural, an abomination, sent from their ideas of a "devil". You are you, human and real! You are as valid as the forces of nature themselves!! So breath deep. Focus. The road ahead is long and winding, but we shall not give in. We shall travel that road, and on the other side we will forge a better tomorrow. One where all are actually free to live as themselves. Where no one lives underneath the boot heels of an oppressor.
If you ever gall, ever struggle, know that there is a community of folks exactly like you. People like us who will raise you to meet the hardships ahead and ensure a peace and tranquility for us all. Look to the hands that reach out. The open arms of those who would embrace you. There you shall find the warmth we all so desperately need.
You are LOVED!
You are VALID!
They shall never break your mind!
Your SOUL!
Within your HEART is the power to move mountains!
Remember those who came before. We know and can do so much because of their work! The more we put out into the world, the more likely those in a better world can keep it that way. You've existed before, despite what they try and say! You will exist again! When a young person does not need to fear rejection from their family because of who they are, that will be you! The part of you that built that world. The part of you who resides in the spirit of that kid. Then, there will be peace.
Stand tall my brothers, sisters, and fellow siblings!
From the gay to the straight, and that beautiful spectrum in between!
From the trans to the cis, and those who break the binary!
We are all one and the same, and they shall no break us!